Many writers have said that love makes a house a home...and I have to agree.
On Monday, we're closing on our first home. The feeling of anticipation, panic that we're not packed, fear that the mortgage and utilities will be way more than we'll be comfortable with, and doing this all at Christmastime leaves my stomache a bit unsettled. We've come a long get out of debt, to build a decent credit score, to figure out Christmas gifts in advance...which never really happened...and yet with all of the excitement of owning our own home - it's crazy to think that we're actually doing this in the midst of a global economic downturn where layoffs are prevalent and businesses are failing miserably.
I can only say, that by the grace of God, and the love of my husband and family - and they have really come through with help cleaning and moving our stuff - I am one of the richest people on the planet. My life is blessed, and the stirrings in my heart about what God may have in store for us with this house are signs of growth, both nearer and deeper in Jesus.
I pray that you find the deep and rich blessings that Christmas holds...and that you realize the love that you have for others is returned by the immense love that Our Father has for you.
Peace and Joy amidst the pain...