Christmas break (winter break- for those in public school) is a fun time when my daughter and I get to play. I had 5 days off over Christmas weekend, and when we weren't with other family doing traditional family things, we did spend some time reading her new books, playing Clue Jr. and painting her nails. We're so blessed to have my mom (grandma) watch her a couple days so I can work this week, but today she was headed to her school-release-day programming. It's the only day this week that she'll be with her friends, and I recited a little poem to her as she awoke this morning.
"There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad...she was horrid."
What will my little curly head wake up to be this morning? With a smile and a hug, and a "Good morning, mama." I knew the answer.
She was all excited to see her friends and get dressed for Pajama Day. They are planning a simple day of movies, games and crafty activities today. So, she put on the new pajamas I bought her for Christmas, and we put her hair in pig-tails. They put 3 schools together for these release days, because there are few kids who need this programming this week. It's not at her regular school, and all the newness was just a bit much for her. She was so excited to go...until we got there.
Then, when the parking lot was bare, and the halls of the school were quiet, except for a few children in one room playing video games and building Legos....she clung to me. "Mom, where is everyone?" is what I felt she wanted to say. As I signed her in, I read through the roster of who was supposed to be there. Only two of her regular friends were scheduled to arrive...and hopefully they did later. But, mostly, she kept asking me..."Mom, are you sure it's pajama day?" I think she was worried she'd be the only one wearing pajamas and would be embarrassed. I assured her that if I had it wrong, we could go home and change clothes. I know she must have been very uneasy this morning...but when she saw another girl from her school wearing pajamas, I think that put her at ease.
No fuzzy slippers, no big soft bathrobe, and not even a favorite blanket accompanied her to school this day. But, she did bring two small stuffed toys...a dog and a cat. Some days I think she's such a big girl for 6 1/2, but then it's days like this when I remember how small she really is. I love you, Bug.