Thursday, February 23, 2006


Because the week started off with President's Day and Tuesday was a staff planning day in my daughter's school district, she spent two days and nights with my mom. What a lovely gift to have a little peace in our home, but I missed her terribly.

On Tuesday after work, baby boy and I waited for my husband to bring big sister home from grandma's house. When she arrived, she buzzed the security intercom of the apartment to be let in, and my little 13 month old and I waited patiently at the door of our apartment in anticipation of her return. This little boy was so patient, and stood very quietly watching the door to the stairs very carefully for what seemed like 2-3 great anticipation of someone coming up the stairs. I would say "Who's coming to see us? Who could it be?" He looked at me with such wonder, such curiosity.

It was when she arrived through that door, and he burst into disappointed tears that I realized he wasn't waiting so patiently for her...but he was in great hopes that Grandma was going to appear and bring his sister home. He wasn't so excited to see his sister, but was really looking forward to seeing the one who always makes him smile, gives him big enthusiastic hugs, and feeds him yummy treats. You see, so many times when Grandma has come to visit in the past, she would buzz the intercom, and we would wait for her at the door to come up those same steps. I would say "Who's coming to see us? Who could it be?"

Eventually he got over it, and the two of them played well that evening. Sometimes it's nice to be wanted.

I shared the story with my mom tonight on the phone, and she laughed and wished she could have been there to see his face at that moment. Oh, the never ending wonder of my children's thoughts. It's amazing that he understands so much at this age.


julie said...

ahhh... that's so sweet. i bet your mom felt so loved!

happy birthday, by the way!

gloria said...

what a sweet story. thanks for sharing that.