Thursday, September 08, 2005

I get by with a little help from my friends

I promised myself that I'd try to blog at least every 7 days, and it's been 20 days since I last posted. So much has progressed, and I'm finding that the prayers of others are so much more powerful than my own pleas for mercy and forgiveness.
Something miraculous happens in intercessory prayer, and I know that from times I've interceded for others, and they say that they can "feel" the prayers. I pray on a daily basis, and it's always different. I guess that's part of my relationship with my Heavenly Father. He knows me so well, and actually shows me ways in which my prayers make a difference in the lives of others. I work in the Care department, so I'm hearing prayer requests and taking things to the Lord over and over each day. I especially feel called to pray when we see the world changing and shifting before our very eyes on the TV, radio, and at the gas pump. I've been praying for the hurricane Katrina victims, and especially praying for a co-worker and one of my husband's co-workers...both of whom are fighting advanced stages of breast cancer. I know that God listens when I pray...I just wonder sometimes how He's meeting each of those people in their place of need.
But, I'm especially experiencing the "feeling" of others prayers for me this week.
It started out with a crazy week last week, when I took two days out of the office to "waste some time with God" and the rest of the staff here at church. I spent those two days in scripture and reflection, and left my busy life of working mom to get away from family for one night. Things at home went swimmingly well, and my husband had absolutely no trouble getting both kids off to daycare, and back home again safely, well fed, and happy. Wow, I mean really, if I knew it would go so easy, I should get away more often. Then it occurred to me, my friends are praying. When I returned to the office on Thursday, there were only two days left of the workweek, and I felt completely swamped with phone calls I had to return, and care situations that needed my attention, not to mention the promotional deadlines and room reservations needed for events that are fast approaching. fast paced rat race picked right up where it left off on Monday. But, in the busy-ness, I felt cared for and comforted...just a little hectic. Then, after the long Labor Day weekend, I returned to the office, still a bit feeling like my plate was very full. Well, my plate is still full, with phone calls and emails, and daily caring for the body of this church. Yet, with the stuff that's going on...I really feel cared for and loved, and most of all like people are praying for me. Thank you prayer warriors. I so appreciate the prayers, and how God is meeting me this day.

1 comment:

Grandma and Grandpa Benson said...

. . . ah so you feel those prayers . . .