Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday...and in recent years she has gotten smart about how we celebrate. For so many years, she hasn't wanted to celebrate in any way that cost a lot of money, or causes any of her three kids to go out of their way for her.
But, in the past couple of years, she has changed her mind. Each year, the two kids (my brother and myself) who are geographically closest to her, ask if we can take her out for dinner/lunch with the grandkids. We used to do this all as one large group. But, she's figured out that if we each take her out separately, she gets two meals and more social time out of the deal. Not bad.
Mom does so much for us. She makes a meal for me at least once per week...usually in the form of ..."Oh honey, I made some soup, and I was going to put it in the freezer, but as long as you're here, why don't you take it home."
She helps us out with laundry...because we live in an apartment, have a baby and my full-time working schedule...her help is immeasurable in this manner.
She picks up my daughter from school twice a week, and saves me lots of money in daycare when she watches her all day when there is no MLK Jr. Day.  Not to mention the wonderful one-on-one time those girls get with each other.
So, yesterday my husband and I took her out for some good sushi, and a stroll around the mall with our kids. Not the usual birthday lunch, but something we all really enjoyed. There were no arguments, no temper tantrums, no sour faces...and the kids behaved well, too. After a round at the mall, we stopped for ice cream and then went home. It was really very nice to just be together. It was such a treat for all of us to celebrate her with love, food, and togetherness.
I love my mom...but I know sometimes it's hard to break through the mother-daughter judgmental stuff. I'm glad we can talk about things, but know that I take her words for what I can...and then I have to do things my own way. I live my life, in a very different way than she would have it...but I'm happy, and my life is very different than hers.
After leaving her country, her family, her home for the man she loved...she came to the USA with different expectations than she lives with today. Now divorced for 18 years, a US citizen, and retired from being self-employed, she is a different woman today. Her mantra is "Only you can make yourself happy." While I admire her strength of character and positive attitude...I have to admit I would change it just a bit. Although you decide your attitude, and choose to be happy, through a rich life and relationship with a loving God, you can feel a deeper sense of purpose on the planet, and have a meaningful life.
I pray for you on your birthday, Mom. That your happy life be touched by the maker of your soul. Happy birthday.


julie said...

what a beautiful tribute, julia. i hope she reads it. or at least knows it.

Grandma and Grandpa Benson said...

Oh Julia . . . I love this post . . . thank you . . . really . . . thank you!!!